First off, I know this post may hurt some people’s feelings, but it’ll be okay. I also want to make it clear that I’m not a doctor or a licensed medical practitioner and this is not medical advice. This isn’t going to be a crazy vaccine conspiracy rant, as everything in this post comes from legitimate sources. I’m strictly discussing facts. One of the biggest issues surrounding the pandemic is the slew of information, so I'm aiming to highlight some key facts and stats. Additionally, I touch on some really great points at the end of this post, so please read to the end.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve seen the massive push for the COVID-19 vaccine since its first distribution in December 2020. From college tuition to a free donut, the government, businesses, schools, and employers have been incentivizing people to get the vaccine in order to get as many people vaccinated as possible. Certain cities have now enabled vaccine passports if people want to go to restaurants, gyms, or shows. Some employers have even gone as far as terminating employees for not getting vaccinated.
It’s pretty obvious these places want people to get vaccinated; however, we are now starting to learn that not only is the vaccine less effective against the new variants, but a continually increasing number of fully vaccinated individuals have contracted COVID-19, spread COVID-19, have been hospitalized with COVID-19, and have died of COVID-19. Again, people who are considered fully vaccinated.
From COVID-19 tests in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Singapore, we know that fully vaccinated people who become infected with the Delta variant can carry as much virus in their nose as do unvaccinated people. This means that despite the protection offered by vaccines, a proportion of vaccinated people can pass on the Delta variant, potentially to other vaccinated people. “People who have a Delta virus and happen to have ‘breakthrough’ infections can carry these really high levels of virus, and can unwittingly spread the virus to others,” says David O’Connor, a virologist at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Another very interesting find is from a 2015 study that showed vaccines that keep the host alive but minimize the symptoms of the disease (like the COVID-19 vaccine), can sometimes teach pathogens to become more dangerous. In other words, it’s possible to create an even stronger strain of COVID-19 through those who are vaccinated.
One of the most important things that I’ve found with COVID-19 that is not discussed nearly enough is that 78 percent of those hospitalized for COVID-19 are overweight or obese. An overweight person is three times as likely to be hospitalized than someone who is of healthy weight. Unfortunately, the most recent data that I have found on this is from March 2021--if you know of more up-to-date information, please let me know.
Furthermore, more than 80 percent of COVID-19 deaths occur in people over age 65, and more than 95 percent of COVID-19 deaths occur in people older than 45.
It’s clear that the main cause of people being either hospitalized or dying from COVID-19 is having a weak immune system.
Before I dive into this next part, I want to mention two things. First, I'm aware that there are hereditary factors that affect body fat, but the vast majority of obesity is caused by personal choices. Second, the CDC explains obesity as the result of chronic energy imbalance in a person who consistently takes in more calories from food and drink than are needed to power their body’s metabolic and physical functions.
It’s widely known that both the older we are and the fatter we are, the weaker our immune systems get. Typically the older people get, the less they exercise, the more they drink, and the more they smoke. Typically the fatter that someone is, the less nutrient-dense and vitamin-rich foods they eat, the less exercise they get, and the less sleep they get.
Guess what promotes a strong immune system? Exercise, vitamins, diet, and sleep.
Guess what doesn’t promote a strong immune system? Smoking, drinking alcohol, eating fast food, and being sedentary.
So let’s put this all together… the overwhelming majority of people being hospitalized or dying from COVID-19 (or getting sick in general, even from diseases that are not COVID-19) are those with weakened immune systems--either by age, weight, or some other pre-existing conditions.
With that being said, we know exactly what steps to take in order to strengthen our immune systems.
Now, maybe it’s just me, but if there was a direct correlation between one’s immune system and their chance of getting sick from any disease, wouldn’t it make sense for that person to do everything they could in order to strengthen their immune system?
Well, you'd think... but instead, we are strongly encouraged to take a vaccine that:
- only works part of the time
- only works against certain variants
- can cause wicked side effects
- is not FDA approved (update: the Pfizer vaccine was just approved on 8/23, the same day this post was released. More than 8 months after distribution started)
- can potentially create a deadlier virus
- is manufactured by companies who are part of Big Pharma, who are making billions of dollars, who have been found guilty for healthcare-related offenses hundreds of times, and who are not liable for any negative effects
All of that, just to increase your chances of not dying from one disease.
Nearly 1 out of 2 people in the US die NOT from COVID-19, not from the Delta variant, but from either heart disease or cancer.
We do not have a COVID-19 issue in the United States. We have an immune system issue.
COVID-19 itself is not the problem. It is only exposing our pre-existing problems. The vaccine is a temporary solution to a long-term problem.
What happens when the next pandemic or disease comes? We just keep making vaccines, forcing people to take them, and restricting the freedoms of those who don't? We just allow people to continue living unhealthy lifestyles?
- 650,000 Americans die every year from heart disease.
What often causes heart disease? Obesity, poor diet, lack of exercise, poor sleep, smoking, and drinking alcohol.
- 600,000 Americans die every year from cancer.
What often causes cancer? Obesity, poor diet, lack of exercise, poor sleep, smoking, and drinking alcohol.
- 140,000 Americans die every year from strokes.
What often causes strokes? Heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
- 80,000 Americans die every year from diabetes. What often causes diabetes? Lack of exercise and poor diet.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see these trends and understand that the majority of Americans are dying because of four major choices in lifestyle:
- Poor diet
- Lack of exercise
- Smoking
- Drinking alcohol
Looking at the top 10 causes of death on the CDC website, over 1.7 million American lives are lost every year to issues involving a poor immune system.
So far, COVID-19 has killed around 624,000 people in the United States. How many of those people had pre-existing conditions that played a role in their death? How many of those people would have died regardless from heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, or some other pre-existing condition?
If we truly cared about saving lives, why in the world are our government officials, our schools, our employers, and corporations not encouraging us to be healthier to combat the things that kill us the most? I have one theory: because there's no money and no control in that.
I've just discussed several problems surrounding COVID-19 and the health crisis in America... so what do we do about it? Here's some possible solutions:
How about instead of giving people donuts or pizza to get vaccinated, we provide government-subsidized gym memberships to those who can't afford it? Nope, just take the vaccine.
How about the government organizes outdoor activities, where the chance of transmitting COVID-19 is virtually none and you can soak in some natural Vitamin D, instead of encouraging us to sit inside? Nope, just take the vaccine.
How about the government creates free at-home workout plans for people? Nope, just take the vaccine.
How about a government-subsidized vitamin program where you can go through a drive-thru to get your free vitamins? Nope, just take the vaccine.
How about the government streams daily educational videos on social media to discuss the importance of diet, exercise, and the deadly effects of smoking and drinking alcohol? Nope, just take the vaccine.
How about shutting down fast-food chains unless they start serving organic, non-GMO, whole foods? Nope, just take the vaccine.
Once again, the vaccine is a short-term band-aid that does nothing except make people feel safe for now while allowing massive corporations to continue making billions of dollars and the US people to continue living their lives filled with salt, fat, sugar, alcohol, tobacco, and sedentariness.
If you are reading this, please share it with your family and friends. People need to know and understand what is going. The media will not share information like this. Please spread the word by liking, commenting, and sharing this post.
Finally, nothing I have said here is opinion. Every stat and every statement can be backed by legitimate sources and studies. If you have any questions about any of the above information, please contact me and I'd be more than happy to provide you with the sources.
Stay healthy out there.