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Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

I probably sound like a broken record at this point, but I just want to remind you that life is unpredictable. Things can happen at any time, good or bad.

We know how to live in the good times… it’s easy. That’s why they’re good.

However, we often don’t know what to do in the bad times… that’s why they’re bad.

If you lose a loved one or a close friend, how do you deal with that? If you lose your job, how do you deal with that? If you get into a situation where you owe someone money that you simply don’t have, how do you deal with that?

My solution is this: life can be uncomfortable at times, but we just have to be comfortable with that.

We have to accept that not every day is going to be good and not everything is going to go as planned. It’s okay if something doesn’t work out as you anticipated. Instead of getting down and having a ‘poor me’ attitude when things go south, just remember that this is how it’s supposed to be. Like I’ve mentioned before, without the bad days, we wouldn’t have good days. Learn to love and embrace the bad days.

I’m gonna sound like a broken record once again, but this is exactly why I love physical challenges like running, biking, swimming, lifting weights, and so on. It sucks! I don’t care who you are, nobody truly likes to go for a 3-hour run. But just like life, it’s not going to suck forever. The pain you’re currently going through has an end; it’s only temporary. If you can push through for just a little bit longer, the rewards you’ll reap are worth 1000x the struggle.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to life, but I believe that if we can learn to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, we can better ride the waves of life.




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