Sometimes I think I’m weird. Sometimes I’ll do or say something that I don’t often see other people do and it makes me wonder if everyone else is normal and I’m the weird one. Does this ever happen to you? I have a strong feeling that it does.
However, when I have these strange thoughts, I remind myself that humans are weird. No two humans are exactly alike and there is no ‘normal’ human. We all have different DNA, different upbringings, and different perspectives. Maybe someone is really good at basketball, but horrible at math. Maybe someone is really good at public speaking, but terrible at cooking.
I always love when people feel envious of celebrities (myself included) because they happen to be really good at something that brings publicity. It could be an actress, an athlete, or a politician. They happened to be really good at their ‘thing’ and it just so happens that their thing brings lots of publicity. Then we think poorly of ourselves because we aren't good at that thing. Happens to me all the time.
Think of your niche, what are you really good at? Now ask yourself, could LeBron James do it? Could Cardi B do it? Maybe you’re really good at accounting or drawing or you know a lot about science and medicine, I don’t think those people would be very good at your niche.
I hope this makes sense… sometimes I have an idea in my mind and I think it’s gonna sound great, but when I actually start writing it out, more often than not it sounds like nonsense. Anyways.
The point of this post is to find what makes you weird. Find what you’re good at and what you’re not so good at, then double down on your strengths and avoid your weaknesses.
So many people (again, myself included) try to be good at everything. Well, hate to break it to you, that’s just not possible.
If you try to be good at everything, you’re going to be great at nothing and just alright at a lot of things. Instead, focus on just a couple of things.
I personally struggle with this a lot. I, like most people, enjoy lots of different things. Music, movies, health, science, writing, reading, food, fitness, creative work, and so on. I simply cannot try and do all of those things and be the best at all of them. If I attempt to do so, which I have done many times, I will spread myself too thin and be good at exactly none of them. I am forcing myself to choose just a few things to focus on and hone my skills on those.
Now, we don’t want to be one-dimensional (boring) and totally forget about all of our other interests. I’m just recommending we allocate our time wisely so that we spend more time on what we are good at and less time on things we are bad at.
Happy Friday everyone.