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We’re All Gonna Die

My goodness that sounds harsh, doesn’t it? How cold-hearted of me. The worst part? I’m not wrong.

You, me, your family, your friends, your enemies, rich people, poor people, healthy people, fat people, white, black, Asian, male, female, you name it. At some point in time, everyone you know, including yourself, will be dead. All of the people who have ever lived before us? Yep, they’re dead. All of the people who will live after us? You guessed it, they’ll eventually be dead too.

You might be asking, “but Jeremy, why are you telling us this? I don’t wanna think about that—it’s sorta depressing. Are you suggesting that we just don’t care about anything because when we’re dead, nothing really matters?”

Glad you asked. I am, in fact, saying quite the opposite.

I am suggesting that we ought to care more and actively be more conscious in our daily choices. Life is incredibly short. Let’s see exactly how short.

The universe is 13.8 billion years old. The average human life is 75 years.

That means your lifespan is .000000000054% of the universe.

Now, my question to you is, what are you going to do with your tiny percent? Are you going to waste it sitting in an office all day, scrolling through social media, pretending to be busy? Are you going to waste the best years of your life working for someone else at a job you hate? Are you going to watch an entire season of a Netflix show in one sitting? Are you going to dish out hate, negativity, and criticism to the world? Are you going to be worried about embarrassment, rejection, or disapproval? Are you going to arrive on your deathbed with regrets?

I don’t know about you, but when I think back 10 years ago to when I was 14 years old, that really doesn’t feel like that long ago. When I think about 10 years in the future, when I’ll be 34, that sounds like an eternity. The craziest part is that the next 10 years will go by even quicker than the last 10.

My point of all of this is: life is f*cking short.

Carry this thought with you every day. Be present. Be conscious of your choices. Love your friends, family, and everyone else you interact with. Take vacations. Do cool shit. Don’t waste your precious .000000000054% sitting around waiting for something to happen.

Happy Friday everyone.

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