Today’s post is gonna be short and (maybe not so) sweet.
One of my biggest pet peeves in the whole entire world is when people talk about doing something, yet they never actually do it. Wanna know why this is one of my biggest pet peeves? Because I’ve been guilty of this countless times and I absolutely hate the results that come with doing it.
Here’s the thing: without action, there is nothing.
All things come from action. Plain and simple.
That phone you’re holding? It was created by taking action.
That house you live in? It was created by taking action.
That last meal you ate? It was created by taking action.
That goal you want to achieve? It can and will be created by one thing and one thing only: ACTION.
We can talk about our plans, we can talk about all the things we want to do, we can tell our friends and family, we can even post about it on social media… but guess what? NONE of it matters until we take action. We must focus on doing, not saying.
As you take on the challenges of today, keep this one thing in mind: all things come from action. Period.