It’s so hard to not care what other people will say or think about you… who are “they” anyway? And why do we care so much about what they say or think about us?
Any time we are considering trying a new venture, posting a picture or video to social media, wearing new clothes, or even something as simple as making a trip to the grocery store… we are so concerned with what other people think.
I’ve stopped myself from doing so many things because I was scared of what people might think.
But why? Why do we put these limits on ourselves?
Psychology tells us that it comes down to a need for approval. This need for approval has been conditioned in us from the day we were born. Gaining approval from others gives us a sense of higher self-esteem.
Is there a way to escape this self-imposed trap? I believe there is!
You have to stop giving a f*ck.
You have to make a dramatic change in your way of thinking. Start telling yourself, “I don’t give a f*ck what they will say. I will do the things I love and I will do the things that make me happy.”
Try it. Say it out loud. “I don’t give a f*ck what other people think.” That magic little four-letter word has some incredible powers. I know it made you feel better.
Trust me, I am far from perfect and this is something I struggle with on a daily basis. Every time I post this blog, I’m scared out of my wits about people judging my writing style or my thoughts on a topic.
But guess what? I don't care what they say and neither should you.
Every time I tell myself I don't care what people will think, it gives my self-confidence a little boost. I feel something inside of me that's urging me to go do the things I love, but I've always been too scared to do.
Next time you’re afraid to post a picture or video of yourself, repeat this mantra to yourself. Next time you want to share your artwork, say this mantra. Start the business you’ve always dreamed of. Write the book or record the podcast you’ve always thought about. Start the hobby you've always been interested in.
Life is short. Show the world who you really are and don’t worry about what they will say.
There will always be "haters" and critics, but there will also be lovers and fans. The only way you’re ever going to find them is by putting yourself out there--by chasing your true passion.
Do what YOU want to do and do it with conscious and persistent tenacity.