Nothing gets me more fired up than when someone says they "don’t have time for something".
Every single person who has ever lived on earth has the exact same 24 hours each day. Elon Musk, Michael Jordan, Serena Williams, me, and YOU all have the exact same amount of time each day.
What makes the difference? Why is Elon Musk one of the richest people in the world and the CEO of three different companies? Why did Michael Jordan and Serena Williams become some of the best athletes in the world?
Was it by chance? Was it just a coincidence? Of course not!
It’s because they know how to use their time wisely.
Elon Musk didn’t create three successful companies by sleeping in until 9am, lounging around, playing on his phone, and watching Netflix… he consistently woke up before his competitors, worked his ass off, and went to sleep after his competitors.
While we shouldn’t compare ourselves to some of the most successful people in the world (or anyone, for that matter), we canlook at what they are doing differently from the rest of us, learn from it, and use it to our advantage.
Michael Jordan didn’t become the greatest basketball player in the world by skipping practice and not working out. If you’ve seen the recent docu-series on him and the Chicago Bulls, you know that he was extremely competitive and he worked his ass off day in and day out.
None of these people say, “I don’t have time for that.” If there’s something they need to get done, they make the time for it. They prioritize. Period.
We must remember that if someone else has done it, then we can do it too.
We all have the same 24 hours, but what makes the difference is how we use those 24 hours.