It can be so easy to get caught up in the ‘self-improvement’ way of living, that sometimes we forget to enjoy the little things in life.
We can get so focused on dieting, exercising, and keeping up with our personal tasks that we don’t take the time to really enjoy time with friends and family.
I for one am 100 percent guilty of this. I’ve skipped meals with friends and family because I was fasting or my diet didn’t fit with the restaurant’s menu. I’ve skipped a night out with friends because I had financial goals to meet that month.
I also have a HUGE sweet tooth. After dinner every night, I just have to have some kind of dessert. Ice cream is my all-time favorite. Obviously, it would be incredibly unhealthy to eat ice cream every single night. There was a stretch of time where I didn't eat any ice cream for 2-3 months. But guess what? That's all I could think about after dinner every night. Then one night: I snapped. I went and ate a whole tub of chocolate cookie dough ice cream in one sitting. In case you don't know, that's 9 servings and nearly 2,000 calories. Yikes. So instead, I now allow myself one dessert 'cheat' night each week. Moderation.
Life is about moderation and making things sustainable.
Be moderate in your indulgences and be moderate in your discipline. Have your goals and milestones, but don’t be so focused that you miss out on important things. If you follow a strict diet and exercise program on a daily basis, but you go out and eat shitty food once a month, I promise that you’ll be just fine.
When people never allow themselves to indulge in life’s pleasures, they get wound up so tight that they reach breaking point. They totally quit the discipline they were following and go on some big binge in order to fill the void that they created by not learning moderation in the first place.
I just watched the new Tiger Woods documentary and his life is the perfect example of this. From the time he was born, his entire life was focused on nothing but golf. He ate, slept, and breathed golf. On top of that, he was constantly followed by the press everywhere he went. He never got the chance to live a normal life or indulge in life’s real pleasures--such as time with friends or family. Instead, he was either playing golf, watching golf, or thinking about golf. Sure enough, he reached a breaking point and went in the complete opposite direction. Don't get me wrong, that guy has had a great life and has inspired millions of people, but he, just like everyone else, has a breaking point.
Lack of moderation leads to extremism.
Don’t forget to live. Don’t forget to enjoy the good things in life such as a cup of ice cream after a dinner date or sleeping in on a Sunday. But don't forget your discipline and don't overindulge. Just find that sweet, sweet moderation.